The Best Song in the World

Ragoo—Kings of Leon
December 18, 2008, 6:07 pm
Filed under: The Best Song in the World | Tags: , , ,

Ragoo might be my original BSITW. If such a song is determined by deep moving of the heart, healing powers, and desire to listen non-stop for several days at a time, Ragoo is it. I discovered it the week my beautiful nephew died of cancer, and kept it linked into my ear canal for three days straight—no exaggeration this time. For some reason, the bass line, vocals, and lyrics just soothed me. I don’t actually love King of Leon’s other songs that much which is unfortunate—then I’d get to have a new favorite band—but Ragoo is enough for me to forever glorify them.

On a funny note, unlike Horse Feathers (as I questioned earlier this week) King of Leon’s subtly Christian tendencies are actual Christian tendencies—their father was a traveling Pentecostal preacher. United Pentecostal Church is the stereotype of all raging Southern churches, with the spittle-flicking, white-suited preacher warning of eeee-tah-nal damm-nashen! I’m pretty sure their song “True Love Ways” is a ballad to abstinence (which I have some serious raised eyebrows toward) but if they are talking to Jesus every day as they claim and being rockstars, I’m hoping they’re mystical or creative enough to be slightly progressive.
Thank you for this song, Kings of Leon. Especially during that week, but continually to this day, this truly is the best song in the world.

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[…] I was very aversive to religion, especially religion dressed up in music (which sure seems to be a theme these days, sorry I’m sort of boring). Of course, I didn’t need a personal spiritual practice to flip out […]

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[…] I don’t catch the lyrics, but I get the general gist. I usually never fall in love. (Ragoo was a delightful exception). Then, one day, on about the third listen to a song, it hits me. A […]

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[…] I don’t catch the lyrics, but I get the general gist. I usually never fall in love. (Ragoo was a delightful exception). Then, one day, on about the third listen to a song, it hits me. A […]

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